.. _home: Data Science Stack documentation ================================ Data science stack (DSS) is a ready-to-run environment for machine learning and data science. It's built on open-source tooling (including MicroK8s, JupyterLab and MLflow) and usable on any Ubuntu/Snap-enabled workstation. DSS provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) for managing containerised ML environments images such as PyTorch or TensorFlow, on top of MicroK8s. Typically, creating ML environments on a workstation involves complex and hard-to-reverse configuration. DSS solves this problem by making accessible, production-ready, isolated and reproducible ML environments, that make full use of a workstation's GPUs. Both ML beginners and engineers who need to build complex development and runtime environments will see set-up time reduced to a minimum, allowing them to get on with useful work within minutes. --------- In this documentation --------------------- .. grid:: 1 1 2 2 .. grid-item:: :doc:`Tutorial ` **Get started** - a hands-on introduction to DSS for newcomers .. grid-item:: :doc:`How-to guides ` **Step-by-step guides** covering key operations and common tasks with DSS .. grid:: 1 1 2 2 .. grid-item:: :doc:`Explanation ` **Discussion and clarification** of key topics --------- Project and community --------------------- Data Science Stack is an open-source project that values its community. We warmly welcome contributions, suggestions, fixes, and constructive feedback from everyone. * Read our `Code of conduct`_. * `Contribute`_ and `report bugs `_. * Join the `Discourse forum`_. * Talk to us on `Matrix`_. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 Home tutorial/index How to explanation/index