Integrate MLflow with the Canonical Observability Stack (COS) ============================================================= This guide shows how to integrate MLflow with the Canonical Observability Stack (COS). Prerequisites ------------- This guide assumes: #. You have deployed the COS stack in the ``cos`` model. For steps on how to do this, see the `MicroK8s tutorial `_. #. You have deployed the MLflow bundle in the ``kubeflow`` model. For steps on how to do this, see :doc:`../tutorial/mlflow`. Deploy Grafana Agent -------------------- Deploy the `Grafana Agent `_ to your ``kubeflow`` model alongside the MLflow bundle. Run the following command: .. code-block:: bash juju deploy grafana-agent-k8s --channel=edge --trust Relate MLflow Server Prometheus Metrics to Grafana Agent -------------------------------------------------------- Establish the relationship between the MLflow Server Prometheus metrics and the Grafana Agent. Use the following command: .. code-block:: bash juju add-relation mlflow-server:metrics-endpoint grafana-agent-k8s:metrics-endpoint Relate Grafana Agent to Prometheus in the COS Model --------------------------------------------------- Next, relate the Grafana Agent to Prometheus in the ``cos`` model. Execute the following command: .. code-block:: bash juju add-relation grafana-agent-k8s admin/cos.prometheus-receive-remote-write Relate MLflow Server in the Kubeflow Model to Grafana Charm in the COS Model ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Establish the relationship between the MLflow Server in the ``kubeflow`` model and the Grafana charm in the ``cos`` model. Run the following command: .. code-block:: bash juju add-relation mlflow-server admin/cos.grafana-dashboards Obtain the Grafana Dashboard Admin Password ------------------------------------------- Switch the model to ``cos`` and retrieve the Grafana dashboard admin password. Execute the following commands: .. code-block:: bash juju switch cos juju run-action grafana/0 get-admin-password --wait Obtain the Grafana Dashboard URL -------------------------------- To access the Grafana dashboard, you need the URL. Run the following command to get the URLs for the COS endpoints: .. code-block:: bash juju show-unit catalogue/0 | grep url You will see a list of endpoints similar to the following: .. code-block:: bash url: url: url: url: Choose the ``cos-grafana`` URL and access it in your browser. Login to Grafana ---------------- Login to Grafana with the password obtained from the previous section. The username is ``admin``. Access the dashboard in the UI ------------------------------ Go to the left sidebar and choose the MLflow Dashboards from the list. From the General dashboards folder choose the ``MLflow metrics Dashboard``. When accessing the dashboard for the first time, choose some reasonable time range from the top right dropdown.