# Tutorials This section contains a step-by-step guide to help you start exploring how to install and use {{product}}. ```{toctree} :hidden: Overview ``` ```{toctree} :glob: :titlesonly: getting-started Basic operations with kubectl add-remove-nodes ``` --- ## Other documentation types If you have a specific goal our [How-to guides] have more in-depth detail than tutorials and can be applied to a broader set of applications. They’ll help you achieve an end-result but may require you to understand and adapt the steps to fit your specific requirements. For a better understanding of how {{product}} works and related topics such as security, our [Explanation section] helps you to expand your knowledge and get the most out of Kubernetes. Finally, our [Reference section] is for when you need to check specific details or information such as the command reference or release notes. [How-to guides]: ../howto/index [Explanation section]: ../explanation/index [Reference section]: ../reference/index