# How to use an alternative CNI While {{product}} ships with a default [Container Network Interface] (CNI) that we ensure is fully compatible with our distribution, it's possible to use a different CNI plugin for your specific networking requirements. This guide explains how to safely replace the default CNI with an alternative solution. ## Prerequisites This guide assumes the following: - Root or sudo access to the machine. - Basic understanding of Kubernetes networking concepts. - Basic knowledge of [Helm]. ## Disable default network implementation For an existing cluster, disable the default network plugin: ``` sudo k8s disable ingress gateway network ``` For a new cluster, create a bootstrap configuration that disables networking: ``` cat < bootstrap-config.yaml cluster-config: network: enabled: false EOF ``` Then, bootstrap the cluster with this configuration: ``` sudo k8s bootstrap --file bootstrap-config.yaml ``` ## Configure Helm repository Add the CNI's Helm repository to {{product}}'s Helm installation. This guide uses [Calico] as an example: ``` sudo k8s helm repo add projectcalico https://docs.tigera.io/calico/charts ``` ## Install alternative CNI Create a values file with the basic configuration for Calico: ``` cat < values.yaml apiServer: enabled: false calicoctl: image: ghcr.io/canonical/k8s-snap/calico/ctl tag: v3.28.0 installation: calicoNetwork: ipPools: - cidr: encapsulation: VXLAN name: ipv4-ippool registry: ghcr.io/canonical/k8s-snap serviceCIDRs: - tigeraOperator: image: tigera/operator registry: ghcr.io/canonical/k8s-snap version: v1.34.0 EOF ``` After saving the values file, create the required namespace: ``` sudo k8s kubectl create namespace tigera-operator ``` Deploy Calico using Helm: ``` sudo k8s helm install calico projectcalico/tigera-operator --version v3.28.0 -f values.yaml --namespace tigera-operator ``` ## Verify deployment Monitor the status of the calico pods: ``` watch sudo k8s kubectl get pods -n calico-system ``` If Calico is deployed successfully, the output will be similar to: ``` NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE calico-kube-controllers-7bc846689c-9p2kp 1/1 Running 0 22h calico-node-2bm8m 1/1 Running 0 22h calico-typha-56f55cb75-cj2jk 1/1 Running 0 22h csi-node-driver-vth9t 2/2 Running 0 22h ``` ## Reverting If the deployment does not work as expected, you can always revert to the default networking configuration. Remove all resources associated with Calico: ``` sudo k8s helm uninstall calico --namespace tigera-operator ``` Remove the alternative CNI's namespace: ``` sudo k8s kubectl delete namespace tigera-operator ``` Enable the default networking features: ``` sudo k8s enable ingress gateway network ``` [Container Network Interface]: https://github.com/containernetworking/cni [Calico]: https://docs.tigera.io/ [Helm]: https://helm.sh/docs