# Troubleshooting This page provides techniques for troubleshooting common {{product}} issues. ## Kubectl error: `dial tcp connect: connection refused` ### Problem The [kubeconfig file] generated by the `k8s kubectl` CLI can not be used to access the cluster from an external machine. The following error is seen when running `kubectl` with the invalid kubeconfig: ``` ... E0412 08:36:06.404499 517166 memcache.go:265] couldn't get current server API group list: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port? ``` ### Explanation A common technique for viewing a cluster kubeconfig file is by using the `kubectl config view` command. The `k8s kubectl` command invokes an integrated `kubectl` client. Thus `k8s kubectl config view` will output a seemingly valid kubeconfig file. However, this will only be valid on cluster nodes where control plane services are available on localhost endpoints. ### Solution Use `k8s config` instead of `k8s kubectl config` to generate a kubeconfig file that is valid for use on external machines. ## Kubelet Error: `failed to initialize top level QOS containers` ### Problem This is related to the `kubepods` cgroup not getting the cpuset controller up on the kubelet. kubelet needs a feature from cgroup and the kernel may not be set up appropriately to provide the cpuset feature. ``` E0125 00:20:56.003890 2172 kubelet.go:1466] "Failed to start ContainerManager" err="failed to initialize top level QOS containers: root container [kubepods] doesn't exist" ``` ### Explanation An excellent deep-dive of the issue exists at [kubernetes/kubernetes #122955][kubernetes-122955]. Commenter [@haircommander][] [states][kubernetes-122955-2020403422] > basically: we've figured out that this issue happens because libcontainer > doesn't initialize the cpuset cgroup for the kubepods slice when the kubelet > initially calls into it to do so. This happens because there isn't a cpuset > defined on the top level of the cgroup. however, we fail to validate all of > the cgroup controllers we need are present. It's possible this is a > limitation in the dbus API: how do you ask systemd to create a cgroup that > is effectively empty? > if we delegate: we are telling systemd to leave our cgroups alone, and not > remove the "unneeded" cpuset cgroup. ### Solution This is in the process of being fixed upstream via [kubernetes/kuberetes #125923][kubernetes-125923]. In the meantime, the best solution is to create a `Delegate=yes` configuration in systemd. ```bash mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/snap.k8s.kubelet.service.d cat /etc/systemd/system/snap.k8s.kubelet.service.d/delegate.conf < [kubeconfig file]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/organize-cluster-access-kubeconfig/ [kubernetes-122955]: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/122955 [kubernetes-125923]: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/125923 [kubernetes-122955-2020403422]: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/122955#issuecomment-2020403422 [@haircommander]: https://github.com/haircommander