# 1.32 **{{product}} Charms 1.32 - Release notes - 20 December 2024** Welcome to the 1.32 release of {{product}} charms, the Juju operators for {{product}}! These release notes cover the highlights of this release. ## What’s new - **Kubernetes 1.32** - read more about the upstream release [here][upstream release]. - **{{product}} Snap 1.32** - read more about the snap release [here][snap release page]. - **Reschedule Update Hook** - use systemd to reschedule `update-status` hooks [#118]. - **Override Installed Snap** - support a charm resource to override the installed snap [#149]. - **Snap Refresh** - allow for a snap refresh if the charm wishes to refresh the same revision/channel or use a resource override [#166]. - **Feature Configurations** - expose {{product}} snap feature config through charm config [charm config]. - **Terraform Modules** - add basic Terraform modules for the {{product}} charms [#194]. - **Upgrade Orchestration** - introduce upgrade orchestration for control plane nodes [#200]. - **Multiple Worker Integration** - allow the `k8s` charm to integrate with multiple `k8s-worker` units [#221]. ## Bug fixes - Worker goes into error after the control plane departed [#75][issue #75] - Control plane does not go into blocked when no relation to worker [#90][issue #90] - Enable and configure `Loadbalancer` feature [#109][issue #109] - Enable and configure `LocalStorage` feature [#110][issue #110] - Support to configure Custom registries [#111][issue #111] - Ability to configure Cilium option `--vlan-bpf-bypass` [#112][issue #112] ## Upstream deprecations and API changes For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.32, please see the relevant sections of the [upstream release notes][upstream-changelog-1.32]. [upstream-changelog-1.32]: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.32.md#deprecation ## Also in this release - Replace `AssertionError` with `ReconcileError` [#173] - Renames `annotations` to `cluster-annotations` in charm config [#198] - Add `kube-apiserver-extra-sans` option [#201] - Add worker `bootstrap-node-taints` setting [#215] - Enhance status visibility during cluster upgrades [#216] ## Contributors Many thanks to [@addyess], [@mateoflorido], [@bschimke95], [@louiseschmidtgen], [@eaudetcobello], [@berkayoz], [@HomayoonAlimohammadi], [@ktsakalozos], [@kwmonroe], [@maci3jka], [@petrutlucian94], [@evilnick], [@nhennigan], [@perk], [@asbalderson]. [#118]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/pull/118 [#149]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/pull/149 [#166]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/pull/166 [#173]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/pull/173 [#194]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/pull/194 [#198]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/pull/198 [#200]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/pull/200 [#201]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/pull/201 [#215]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/pull/215 [#216]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/pull/216 [#221]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/pull/221 [issue #75]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/issues/75 [issue #90]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/issues/90 [issue #109]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/issues/109 [issue #110]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/issues/110 [issue #111]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/issues/111 [issue #112]: https://github.com/canonical/k8s-operator/issues/112 [charm config]: https://charmhub.io/k8s/configurations [upstream release]: https://kubernetes.io/blog/2024/12/11/kubernetes-v1-32-release/ [snap release page]: /snap/reference/versions/1.32.md [@asbalderson]: https://github.com/asbalderson [@perk]: https://github.com/perk [@bschimke95]: https://github.com/bschimke95 [@evilnick]: https://github.com/evilnick [@eaudetcobello]: https://github.com/eaudetcobello [@louiseschmidtgen]: https://github.com/louiseschmidtgen [@mateoflorido]: https://github.com/mateoflorido [@berkayoz]: https://github.com/berkayoz [@addyess]: https://github.com/addyess [@HomayoonAlimohammadi]: https://github.com/HomayoonAlimohammadi [@ktsakalozos]: https://github.com/ktsakalozos [@kwmonroe]: https://github.com/kwmonroe [@maci3jka]: https://github.com/maci3jka [@petrutlucian94]: https://github.com/petrutlucian94 [@nhennigan]: https://github.com/nhennigan