Canonical Kubernetes documentation

Canonical Kubernetes is a performant, lightweight, secure and opinionated distribution of Kubernetes which includes everything needed to create and manage a scalable cluster suitable for all use cases.

Canonical Kubernetes builds upon upstream Kubernetes by providing all the extra services such as a container runtime, a CNI, DNS services, an ingress gateway and more that are necessary to have a fully functioning cluster all in one convenient location - a snap!

Staying up-to-date with upstream Kubernetes security patches and updates with Canonical Kubernetes is a seamless experience, freeing up time for application development and innovation without having to worry about the infrastructure.

Whether you are deploying a small cluster to get accustomed to Kubernetes or a huge enterprise level deployment across the globe, Canonical Kubernetes can cater to your needs. If you would like to jump straight in, head to the snap getting started tutorial!

Illustration depicting working on components and clouds

In this documentation

Canonical Kubernetes can be deployed as a standalone snap, as a charm as part of a Juju cluster or with Cluster API. Find out more about which Canonical Kubernetes installation method is best for your project’s needs with choosing a Canonical Kubernetes installation method.

Install with a snap ›

Our tutorials, how-to guides and other pages will explain how to install, configure and use the Canonical Kubernetes ‘k8s’ snap. If you are new to Kubernetes, start here.


Deploy with Juju ›

Our tutorials, how-to guides and other pages will explain how to install, configure and use the Canonical Kubernetes ‘k8s’ charm.


Deploy with Cluster API ›

Our tutorials, how-to guides and other pages will explain how to install, configure and use Canonical Kubernetes through CAPI.


Project and community

Canonical Kubernetes is a member of the Ubuntu family. It’s an open source project which welcomes community involvement, contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.