Deploy Kubeflow pipelines with AKS spot instances ================================================= `Charmed Kubeflow`_ is an MLOps platform that delivers an end-to-end solution for AI/ML applications. It includes Kubeflow Pipelines, an engine for orchestrating different MLOps workflows. Kubeflow pipelines can be created using `Azure spot instances`_ on an AKS cluster. This can save costs as long as appropriate tasks are chosen for the spot instances and their eviction is handled gracefully. .. hlist:: :columns: 2 * **Use spot instances for :** * --- data processing * --- distributed training & hyperparameter tuning * --- model training (with checkpointing) * --- batch inference * **Don't use spot instances for :** * --- Kubernetes control plane * --- notebooks and dashboards * --- datastores or databases * --- a model serving as an online inference To create Kubeflow pipelines with spot instances, start with an AKS cluster containing an existing deployment of Charmed Kubeflow. Refer to :doc:`install-kubeflow-on-aks` for instructions. Add spot instances ------------------ In the cluster details screen of your Kubeflow deployment on AKS, go to :guilabel:`Settings` > :guilabel:`Node pools` > :guilabel:`Add node pool`: .. image:: deploy-kubeflow-pipelines-with-aks-spot-instances-images/kubeflow-aks-02.png :align: center Select :guilabel:`Enable Azure Spot instances`: .. image:: deploy-kubeflow-pipelines-with-aks-spot-instances-images/kubeflow-aks-03.png :align: center Specify when and how your node should be evicted - :guilabel:`Eviction type` and :guilabel:`Eviction policy`. If you have a maximum price over which it is not worth running your workload, then specify that: .. image:: deploy-kubeflow-pipelines-with-aks-spot-instances-images/kubeflow-aks-04.png :align: center Create the pool after specifying all required fields. Once the VMs are up, check if all the nodes are available in the portal's :guilabel:`Node pools` tab or on the command line using ``kubectl get nodes``. Update pipeline to allow task execution on spot instances --------------------------------------------------------- To enable tasks to execute on spot instances, use the Kubernetes `toleration` mechanism. Add an appropriate toleration to each task and if the tasks have to run on a certain type of node (say GPU required), include an `affinity` configuration to enforce the type of pods allowed. Sample code ~~~~~~~~~~~ To try out the changes needed, you can clone this `Kubeflow-examples`_ repository and use the notebooks from the ``aks-spot-instances`` folder to create new notebooks in your Kubeflow deployment. Run the first notebook (01-base-workload) and use the Kubeflow Pipelines UI to see the workflow run details: .. image:: deploy-kubeflow-pipelines-with-aks-spot-instances-images/kubeflow-aks-10.png :align: center To check where the workflow steps were executed run ``kubectl get pods -n admin -o wide`` and in the `NODE` column, you'll see that all the tasks were executed on ``agentpool``: .. image:: deploy-kubeflow-pipelines-with-aks-spot-instances-images/kubeflow-aks-11.png :align: center The code used to create the pipeline was: .. code:: @dsl.pipeline( name="base_pipeline", description="my base pipeline", ) def my_pipeline(url): web_downloader_task = web_downloader_op(url=url) merge_csv_task = create_step_merge_csv(file=web_downloader_task.outputs['data']) client = kfp.Client() client.create_run_from_pipeline_func( my_pipeline, arguments={ 'url': '' }) Now, run the second notebook (02-spot-workload) to use spot instances. The pipeline definition in this code includes `toleration` and `affinity`. This configuration is done at the pipeline level and is applicable to each task, but the tasks themselves are unaware of it. .. code:: from kubernetes.client.models import V1Toleration, V1Affinity, V1NodeAffinity, V1NodeSelector, V1NodeSelectorTerm, V1NodeSelectorRequirement @dsl.pipeline( name="base_pipeline", description="my base pipeline", ) def my_pipeline(url): web_downloader_task = web_downloader_op(url=url) merge_csv_task = create_step_merge_csv(file=web_downloader_task.outputs['data']) toleration = V1Toleration( key="", operator="Equal", value="spot", effect="NoSchedule", ) web_downloader_task.add_toleration(toleration) merge_csv_task.add_toleration(toleration) aff = V1Affinity(node_affinity=V1NodeAffinity( required_during_scheduling_ignored_during_execution=V1NodeSelector( node_selector_terms=[V1NodeSelectorTerm( match_expressions=[V1NodeSelectorRequirement( key='', operator='In', values=['spot'])])])) ) web_downloader_task.add_affinity(aff) merge_csv_task.add_affinity(aff) client = kfp.Client() client.create_run_from_pipeline_func( my_pipeline, arguments={ 'url': '' }) The results seen will be the same as before except for the node names. Run ``kubectl get pods -n admin -o wide | grep "spot-pipeline"`` to see that the tasks were executed on the ``spotpool``. .. image:: deploy-kubeflow-pipelines-with-aks-spot-instances-images/kubeflow-aks-13.png :align: center Handle eviction gracefully -------------------------- To handle spot eviction gracefully, set the `retry` policy for all tasks that are to be executed on a spot instance. This ensures that when the task fails, the pipeline will retry the task after waiting for a while (``backoff_duration``). It'll keep doing this until a specified count of maximum retries (``num_retries``) is reached. You can use the third notebook (03-spot-retries-workload) to try this out. Here the backoff duration is set to 5 minutes to give enough time for a new node to spawn and the max retry count is set to 5: .. code:: from kubernetes.client.models import V1Toleration, V1Affinity, V1NodeAffinity, V1NodeSelector, V1NodeSelectorTerm, V1NodeSelectorRequirement @dsl.pipeline( name="base_pipeline", description="my base pipeline", ) def my_pipeline(url): web_downloader_task = web_downloader_op(url=url) merge_csv_task = create_step_merge_csv(file=web_downloader_task.outputs['data']) toleration = V1Toleration( key="", operator="Equal", value="spot", effect="NoSchedule", ) web_downloader_task.add_toleration(toleration) merge_csv_task.add_toleration(toleration) aff = V1Affinity(node_affinity=V1NodeAffinity( required_during_scheduling_ignored_during_execution=V1NodeSelector( node_selector_terms=[V1NodeSelectorTerm( match_expressions=[V1NodeSelectorRequirement( key='', operator='In', values=['spot'])])])) ) web_downloader_task.add_affinity(aff) merge_csv_task.add_affinity(aff) web_downloader_task.set_retry(num_retries=5, backoff_dureation="5m") merge_csv_task.set_retry(num_retries=5, backoff_dureation="5m") client = kfp.Client() client.create_run_from_pipeline_func( my_pipeline, arguments={ 'url': '' }) .. _`Charmed Kubeflow`: .. _`Azure spot instances`: .. _`Kubeflow-examples`: