Ubuntu on AWS ============= **Ubuntu on AWS is a set of customised Ubuntu images** that allow easy access to a wide range of products and services - offered by both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Canonical. These images have an optimised kernel that boots faster, has a smaller footprint and includes AWS-specific drivers. **These images provide a foundation for deploying cloud-based software solutions,** specifically for software built on Ubuntu and running on AWS. They focus on providing the optimal tools and features needed to run specific workloads. .. include:: ../reuse/common-intro.txt :start-after: Start: Product need and user :end-before: End: Product need and user --------- In this documentation --------------------- .. grid:: 1 1 1 1 :padding: 0 .. grid-item:: :doc:`How-to guides ` **Step-by-step guides** covering key operations and common tasks involving the use of Ubuntu on EC2 and EKS. .. grid:: 1 1 2 2 :padding: 0 :reverse: .. grid-item:: :doc:`Reference ` **Technical information** - specifications such as EC2 credentials, and EKS snaps. .. grid-item:: :doc:`Explanation ` **Discussion and clarification** of key topics, such as our offerings, our image retention policy and the usage of snaps in our EKS images. ---------- Customised Ubuntu images ------------------------ For each Ubuntu release, we deliver multiple customised images to AWS. These images are based on the - AWS service being used, underlying architectures, required features, storage types and virtualisation types: * **AWS services** - EC2, EKS * **architectures** - AMD64, ARM64 (Graviton) * **Ubuntu image types** - server, minimal * **storage types** - instance store, Elastic Block Store (EBS) * **virtualisation types** - Paravirtual (PV), Hardware Virtual Machine (HVM) * **support/security compliance levels** - standard, Ubuntu Pro, Ubuntu Pro FIPS For more details read about :doc:`aws-explanation/canonical-offerings` --------- Project and community --------------------- Ubuntu on AWS is a member of the Ubuntu family and the project warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback. * `Get support`_ * `Join our online chat`_ * `Discuss on IRC`_ * `Talk to us about Ubuntu on AWS`_ * :doc:`aws-how-to/contribute-to-these-docs` * `Code of conduct`_ If none of the above options are suitable for you, and you still want to get in touch, send us an email: aws@canonical.com. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 aws-how-to/index aws-explanation/index aws-reference/index .. _Get support: https://ubuntu.com/cloud/public-cloud .. _Join our online chat: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/public-cloud/aws/177 .. _`Discuss on IRC`: https://web.libera.chat/#ubuntu-cloud .. _Talk to us about Ubuntu on AWS: https://ubuntu.com/aws#get-in-touch .. _Code of conduct: https://ubuntu.com/community/ethos/code-of-conduct