Upgrade from Ubuntu to Ubuntu Pro using AWS License Manager =========================================================== AWS allows users to upgrade Ubuntu LTS instances to `Ubuntu Pro`_ using the `AWS License Manager`_. Requirements ------------ * The EC2 instances to be upgraded have to be Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or later * The instances should be managed by `AWS Systems Manager`_ (SSM) * To check if your instances are managed by SSM, in the `SSM console`_, check if they appear as managed nodes under :guilabel:`Systems Manager` > :guilabel:`Node Management` > :guilabel:`Fleet Manager` > :guilabel:`Managed nodes` * If they don't, follow the `AWS instructions for configuring your instance permissions`_ or refer to this tutorial on `enabling AWS SSM`_ to create an IAM role and access your instances with SSM * You may need to either restart the instance or restart the SSM agent by running: .. code:: sudo snap restart amazon-ssm-agent * You'll need the latest pro client tool, install it by running: .. code:: sudo apt install ubuntu-advantage-tools * If you have removed ``cloud-init`` from your instance for any reason, you'll need to reinstall it for the Pro commands to work correctly. * To give the required network access to your instances, refer to the Ubuntu Pro related `network requirements`_ and `proxy configuration`_ Upgrade to Ubuntu Pro --------------------- Once you have checked all the requirements from the previous section, go to the `EC2 dashboard`_ and stop all the instances that you would like to upgrade. Running instances cannot be selected for an upgrade in the `AWS License Manager`. * Go to :guilabel:`AWS License Manager` > :guilabel:`License type conversion` and select :guilabel:`Create license type conversion` on the right corner. * Select :guilabel:`Ubuntu LTS` as the source operating system and from the list of available instances, select all the instances that you want to upgrade. * Select *Ubuntu Pro* for the :guilabel:`License type destination`. * Select :guilabel:`Convert` after reviewing the selected instances and license type. The conversion can take some time and once done the conversion status will show ``Success`` in the `AWS License Manager`_ console. You can also verify the upgrade by logging into one of the instances and running: .. code:: pro status .. _`Ubuntu Pro`: https://ubuntu.com/pro .. _`AWS License Manager`: https://aws.amazon.com/license-manager/ .. _`AWS Systems Manager`: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/what-is-systems-manager.html .. _`SSM console`: https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/ .. _`AWS instructions for configuring your instance permissions`: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/setup-instance-permissions.html .. _`enabling AWS SSM`: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-use-aws-ssm-session-manager-for-accessing-ubuntu-pro-instances .. _`network requirements`: https://canonical-ubuntu-pro-client.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/references/network_requirements/ .. _`proxy configuration`: https://canonical-ubuntu-pro-client.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/howtoguides/configure_proxies/ .. _`EC2 dashboard`: https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/