How to delete an image

Deleting an image will make it unavailable to Anbox Cloud. However, it will not affect any application based on the image directly, as the application keeps a copy of the image internally. As the image is not available to AMS anymore after deleting it, updating the underlying image of applications with a new version is not possible anymore.

Deleting a specific image can be achieved with the following command, where image-name is the name of the image to delete:

amc image delete image-name

Images that are synchronized from the image server are marked as immutable. To delete such images, add the --force flag:

amc image delete --force io.anbox-cloud:nougat:amd64

If you’re not using --force, the command will fail.

Specific image versions can be deleted too, which is useful when all applications were migrated to a newer version and the old version is not needed anymore. The only requirement is that a single version of the image is available at all times.

The following command removes version 1 of the image with the name image-name:

amc image delete image-name --version=1


Unless you have only one image left, you cannot delete an image that is marked as default. You must set a new default image first.