How to scale up a LXD cluster¶
Scaling up a LXD cluster can be achieved via Juju. Juju automates the deployment of the individual units and links them together.
Adding additional LXD units or removing existing ones is not an instant operation. Adding a new node, for example, can take 5-10 minutes and must be planned in advance. The deployment of a single node will include the following steps:
Allocation of a new machine from the underlying cloud provider
Machine startup and first time initialization
LXD installation
Registration of the LXD node with the existing cluster and AMS
Synchronization of necessary artifacts from other nodes in the LXD cluster (for example, images)
Since Anbox Cloud 1.25.0, the default channel for the LXD charm has changed to 5.21/stable.
For users running LXD clusters with the LXD snap tracking a channel which is different than 5.21/stable, it is important that you set the charm configuration item channel
explicitly to the currently running channel for LXD before scaling up or down, e.g. if the current LXD cluster consists of the LXD snap tracking the 5.0/stable channel, you should run:
juju config lxd channel=5.0/stable
Not doing this might lead to a broken LXD cluster.
To add additional LXD nodes, run the following commands:
juju add-unit -n “$number_of_units” lxd
This will trigger the deployment of the nodes. You can use the following commands to wait until the deployment has settled:
snap install --classic juju-wait
juju wait -w
Due to internal implementation details, waiting for just the units to settle and report status “active” is not enough. You must also check that the unit is correctly added to AMS and is itself part of the LXD cluster. You can do that with code similar to the following script:
#!/bin/bash -ex
# Drop slash from the unit name
while true; do
if juju ssh ams/0 -- /snap/bin/amc node ls | grep -q "${node_name}.*online" ; then
sleep 5
while true ; do
if juju ssh "$unit" -- lxc cluster ls ; then
sleep 5
Save the script with the file name
and run it with the following commands:
chmod +x
./ "lxd/1"
The script just serves as an example and you should implement a similar check in your auto scaling implementation. If you scale up with multiple nodes at a time, your implementation should check for all new nodes to be fully added to both AMS and the LXD cluster.