ams.amc wait

Wait for an instance to reach a specific condition


Wait for an instance to reach a specific condition.

You must specify one or multiple conditions with the ‘–condition’|’-c’ flag.

A condition is of the form ‘key=value’, where ‘key’ is a supported attribute and ‘value’ defines what to wait on.

Valid attributes:

  • For applications: published, status

  • For application versions: published, status

  • For instances: status

Use ‘–selector version=’ to wait on an application version.

ams.amc wait (<app_id> | <instance_id>) [flags]


Wait for the application to be either ready or in an error state:

$ amc wait bkhk491hpuo2c84rai9g -c status=ready -c status=error


  -c, --condition stringArray   Condition of the application or instance to wait for
  -h, --help                    help for wait
  -s, --selector string         Selector to filter the application or instance
  -t, --timeout string          Maximum time to wait for the condition (default "5m")


  • ams.amc - Anbox Management Client

Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 20-Nov-2024