How to configure an AAR

The Anbox Application Registry (AAR) uses a certificate-based authentication system that uses TLS server and client certificates to establish a trusted connection between the AAR and the Anbox Management Service (AMS).

AAR and AMS must exchange certificates to set up a trust relation. The recommended way to do this is with Juju. If you are using the Anbox Cloud Appliance, however, you must register the clients manually.

Register clients manually

If you are running the Anbox Cloud Appliance, you must register the clients manually.

Adding clients manually requires access to the machines hosting AMS and the AAR.

Import AAR certificate

The first step is to import the AAR certificate into every AMS instance that should have access to the AAR. You can find the AAR certificate at /var/snap/aar/common/certs/server.crt on the machine hosting the AAR. Copy the certificate to the AMS machine and import it with the following command:

amc config trust add server.crt

Use the following command to verify that the new certificate is listed in the AMS trust store:

amc config trust list

Configure AMS-AAR sync

To configure AMS to sync applications and new application versions with the AAR, you must tell AMS about the registry endpoint first:

amc config set registry.url

Next, you must tell the AAR client in AMS which certificate it should expect from the AAR to ensure trust between both. For this, we need the fingerprint of the certificate you imported into AMS before. You can find it with the following command:

amc config trust list

Set the certificate fingerprint with the following command:

amc config set registry.fingerprint <fingerprint>

Finally, set the interval in which AMS will check for new applications to sync with the AAR. By default, the interval is set to one hour. You can set it to a smaller interval of five minutes with the following command:

amc config set registry.update_interval 5m

AMS will now check every five minutes if any updates need to be synced with the AAR.

Configure AMS to push

To configure AMS to push any local applications to the AAR, set the registry.mode configuration item to push:

amc config set registry.mode push

All existing and future applications and updates are now automatically pushed to the AAR.

Keep in mind that only published application versions are pushed to the AAR. If you don’t publish a version, it will not be pushed.

Configure AMS to pull

To configure AMS to pull applications from the AAR, set the registry.mode configuration item to pull:

amc config set registry.mode pull

All existing and future applications and updates are now automatically pulled from the AAR.

Configure the AAR

The AAR provides a CLI called aar. You can manage client trust with the aar trust subcommand:

Manage trusted clients

  aar trust [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Register a client certificate
  list        List currently trusted clients
  remove      Remove a trusted certificate
  revoke      Revoke a certificate

  -h, --help   help for trust

Use "aar trust [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Every AMS instance has a registry-specific client certificate that is stored at /var/snap/ams/common/registry/client.crt. To manually register an AMS client, you’ll need to copy this certificate to the machine hosting AAR and use the CLI to trust it.

To add an AMS client as a trusted publisher, use the following command:

sudo aar trust add client.crt --publisher

To add an AMS client as a trusted client, use the following command:

sudo aar trust add client.crt


Due to Snap strict confinement and the AAR sudo requirement, the command requires the certificates to be located in the root user home directory /root. To work around this requirement, use the following command:

cat client.crt | sudo aar trust add [--publisher]

Finally, reboot the AAR:

snap restart aar