(reference)= # Reference The reference guides in this section provide additional information about using Anbox Cloud, release information, available configuration options, performance metrics and benchmarks. ## Releases and versions Learn about Anbox Cloud releases, the product roadmap, deprecations, supported product versions and component versions. * {ref}`ref-release-notes` * {ref}`ref-deprecation-notes` * {ref}`ref-component-versions` ## Usage Understand the difference aspects of using Anbox Cloud such as requirements, supported features, provided SDKs, images, APIs, available network ports for communication, extending Anbox Cloud through addons and hooks. * {ref}`ref-requirements` * {ref}`Anbox Cloud images ` * {ref}`ref-rendering-resources` * {ref}`ref-codecs` * {ref}`ref-android-features` * {ref}`AOSP vs AAOS images ` * {ref}`ref-sdks` * {ref}`ref-network-ports` * {ref}`ref-addon-manifest` * {ref}`ref-hooks` ## Configuration Know the configuration options that can be defined for various components of Anbox Cloud. * {ref}`Appliance preseed configuration ` * {ref}`ref-ams-configuration` * {ref}`Appliance configuration ` * {ref}`ref-application-manifest` * {ref}`ref-feature-flags` * {ref}`ref-webrtc` ## API reference Learn about the APIs provided by Anbox cloud. * {ref}`ref-api` - [AMS HTTP API](https://documentation.ubuntu.com/anbox-cloud/en/latest/reference/api-reference/ams-api/) - [Anbox HTTPS API](https://documentation.ubuntu.com/anbox-cloud/en/latest/reference/api-reference/anbox-https-api/) - [Anbox Platform API](https://canonical.github.io/anbox-cloud.github.com/latest/anbox-platform-sdk/) - [Stream Gateway API](https://documentation.ubuntu.com/anbox-cloud/en/latest/reference/api-reference/gateway-api/) ## Command reference Learn about the commands and their usage for the Anbox Management Client (AMC) and the Anbox Cloud Appliance. * [AMC commands](./cmd-ref/amc/ams.amc.md) * [Appliance commands](./cmd-ref/appliance/anbox-cloud-appliance.md) ## Performance Learn about the available metrics and benchmarks for measuring performance. * {ref}`ref-prometheus-metrics` * {ref}`ref-performance-benchmarks` ## Security Learn about our security policies and about the fixes we have provided for vulnerabilities. * {ref}`ref-security-notices` * {ref}`ref-security-policy` ## Other * {ref}`ref-license-information` * {ref}`ref-glossary` Also check out the {ref}`tutorials` for step-by-step instructions that help you get familiar with Anbox Cloud, the {ref}`how-to-guides` for instructions on how to achieve specific goals when using Anbox Cloud and the {ref}`explanation` section for background information. ```{toctree} :hidden: addon-manifest ams-configuration Anbox Cloud images appliance-preseed appliance-configuration sdks api-reference/landing.md application-manifest cmd-ref/landing.md component-versions charm-configuration deprecation-notices feature-flags glossary hooks license-information network-ports perf-benchmarks prometheus release-notes/release-notes.md requirements roadmap security-notices security-policy android-features Supported features supported-rendering-resources supported-versions supported-codecs webrtc-streamer ```