ADSys architecture

Here, we explain ADSys and SSSD, and how they are used in combination for managing authentication and policies.

ADSys and SSSD

ADSys is a GPO client. In an AD-managed infrastructure, it can help with the management and control of Ubuntu clients through the AD controller. It compliments and depends on SSSD, which is a daemon that handles authentication and provides authorization to access remote directories, including AD. ADSys can also be used in combination with Winbind, but here we will focus on SSSD.

SSSD runs on the client Ubuntu machine and enables basic authentication with AD. When a client machine that is enrolled in the domain attempts to log in, SSSD sends the user’s information to the AD controller. If the credentials are valid, they are returned to SSSD. This allows the user to successfully authenticate.


The diagrams on this page can be zoomed with a scroll-wheel or panned by clicking and dragging the left mouse button.

        %%{init: {"theme": "base", "themeVariables": {
      'background': '#DDC9D4',
      'primaryColor': '#FFF',
      'primaryTextColor': '#E95420',
      'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000',
      'lineColor': '#E95420',
      'secondaryColor': '#CECAC5'
flowchart TB
    adcli(Ubuntu machine)
    adcon(Active Directory controller)

    adcli --"log in with user"--> sssd
    sssd --"send user credentials"--> adcon
    sssd --"allow authentication"--> adcli
    adcon --"return user information"--> sssd


After the user is authenticated, ADSys queries the provider for policies that are directed to the authenticated user in the AD domain and resolves them, before applying the policies to the client.

        %%{init: {"theme": "base", "themeVariables": {
      'background': '#DDC9D4',
      'primaryColor': '#FFF',
      'primaryTextColor': '#E95420',
      'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000',
      'lineColor': '#E95420',
      'secondaryColor': '#CECAC5'
flowchart TB
    adcli(Ubuntu machine)
    adcon(Active Directory controller)

    adcli --"authenticate user"--> adsys
    adsys --"fetch GPOs"--> adcon
    adcon --"relevant GPOs resolved"--> adsys
    adsys --"parse GPOs and apply"--> adcli


Authentication and policy flow

A detailed visual explanation of the authentication and policy flow with ADSys and SSSD is shown below:

        %%{init: {"theme": "base", "themeVariables": {
      'background': '#DDC9D4',
      'primaryColor': '#FFF',
      'primaryTextColor': '#E95420',
      'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000',
      'lineColor': '#E95420',
      'secondaryColor': '#CECAC5'
    um: Ubuntu machine
    client: enrolled
    user: user authenticated
    fetch: fetch GPOs
    parse: parse GPOs
    update: update cached GPOs
    GPOs: check GPOs are up-to-date
    GPOs_applied_check: check GPOs are applied
    GPOs_enforced_check: check GPOs are enforced
    GPOs_apply: authenticate user and apply GPOs
    auth_deny: don't authenticate user

    state SSSD {
        um --> client: enroll to
        client --> um: unenroll from
        client --> user: authenticate user

    SSSD --> ADSys: if ADSys installed
    SSSD --> End : if ADSys not installed

    state ADSys{
        start --> GPOs
        GPOs --> fetch: if no
        GPOs --> parse : if yes
        fetch --> update
        update --> GPOs
        parse --> GPOs_applied_check
        GPOs_applied_check --> GPOs_enforced_check: if no
        GPOs_applied_check --> GPOs_apply: if yes
        GPOs_enforced_check --> GPOs_apply: if no
        GPOs_enforced_check --> auth_deny: if yes



SSSD manages the enrollment and authentication of clients with AD. If ADSys is not installed, the control and management of AD clients stops at that point.

If ADSys is installed, it checks whether GPOs on the client are up-to-date. If not, they are fetched from the domain controller. Once the latest GPOs are available, they are parsed and applied. The user then authenticates successfully and the GPOs are applied. If the GPOs are not applied and they are enforced, then ADSys will not permit the session to continue.